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Coude Tip
Straight Tip
FSA/HSA Eligible
GentleCath Glide Intermittent Catheter for Men is designed to make catheter insertion and removal as easy and gentle as possible, providing a no-touch intermittent option that reduces residuals and mess left behind. The fire-polished staggered eyelets help minimize friction and provide a soft, rounded tip for a smooth insertion. GentleCath Glide Hydrophilic Intermittent Catheter is available with a straight tip or coude tip design, making it an ideal choice for users of a wide variety. The hydrophilic technology enables optimal lubricant application and benefits overall insertion and removal.
Straight Tip: Straight-tip catheters are just how they sound. They are thin and flexible tubes used to evacuate the bladder. Straight-tip catheters are single-use and straight from end to end with eyelets at the end to direct urine into the toilet with optimal precision. These are considered the standard style for catheters as they are the most commonly used intermittent catheters for a wide range of situations.
Coude Tip: The coude tip catheter option, on the other hand, should only be used when suggested by a doctor or primary care provider. These catheters are a replacement option for users who experience catheter pain with a straight tip. Coude catheters are similar to straight-tip catheters, but they feature a curve on the end. These catheters are also single-use intermittent catheters with the same function for different users.
What is FeelClean Technology?
Gentle Protection. Confident Living.
Offer an intermittent catheter designed to provide a clean, comfortable experience. Offer the Next Generation in hydrophilic catheters – GentleCath Glide with FeelClean Technology.
Low Friction:
Hydrophilic properties featured in GentleCath Glide with FeelClean Technology instantly activate to create a smooth, slippery surface offering men and women game-changing relief.
Less Mess:
GentleCath Glide with FeelClean Technology is designed to reduce residue and mess.
Protect Urethra:
GentleCath Glide with FeelClean Technology is designed to protect the delicate urethra preserving its role in UTI prevention.
Please call us for specific details.
Please call us for specific details.
FSA/HSA Eligible
10 Fr
8 Fr
12 Fr
14 Fr
16 Fr
18 Fr
Coude Tip
Straight Tip