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The TOTAL-FIX stool collection kit is a reliable, user-friendly single-vial system for collecting and preserving stool specimens. Designed for use by untrained personnel, it ensures accurate preservation of specimens for laboratory testing, enabling detection of various parasites, including helminth larvae and eggs, protozoan trophozoites and cysts, coccidian oocysts, and microsporidian spores.
Intended Use:
The Total-Fix stool collection kit is a single vial system that provides a standardized method for untrained personnel to properly collect and preserve stool specimens for the detection of helminth larvae and eggs, protozoan trophozoites and cysts, coccidian oocysts, and microsporidian spores. Permanent stains, concentrations and most fecal immunoassays can be performed from a Total-Fix preserved specimen. Total-Fix is also an excellent DNA and RNA preservative for stool pathogen molecular assays. A ten language instruction sheet is provided to assist patients or healthcare professionals with the proper use of the kits at home or in the hospital.
Brand | Total-Fix |
Additive | Total-Fix Additive |
Application | Stool Specimen Container |
Closure Type | Screw Cap |
Color | Translucent with Black Cap |
Graduations | Without Graduations |
Legend | Warning Label |
Legend Color | Black / Red Legend |
Sterility | NonSterile |
Usage | Disposable |
Volume | 15 mL (0.5 oz.) |
Please call us for specific details.
Please call us for specific details.
Q1. What is TOTAL- FIX ?
A. TOTAL- FIX is a FIXative with a proprietary formula, it is similar to UniFIX and Zinc PVA (Z- PVA ), a commonly used fixative that has been commercially available and used in many laboratories since 1992.
Q2. What is PVA ?
A. PVA stands for polyvinyl alcohol, a plastic powder/resin that is incorporated into the fixative (Schaudinn’s or other fixatives such as Z- PVA ) and serves as an adhesive to “glue” the stool material onto the slide. PVA itself has no preservation capability.
Q3. Since PVA is used to “glue” the stool onto the slide prior to permanent staining, how does the material stick to the glass slide?
A. The TOTAL- FIX user can add some albumin to the slide prior to preparation of the stool smear for staining. However, if the stool smear is thoroughly dry prior to staining, albumin will not be necessary.
Q4 How long should the slides prepared from TOTAL- FIX be dried prior to processing for routine staining (trichrome or iron-hematoxylin)?
A. Spread the sample over the slide to prepare a thin smear which varies in thickness (routine preparation of slides – no changes required). Allow to dry overnight at room temperature or for several hours (minimum of 30 min; 60 min if slide is thicker) in a 37oC incubator or slide warmer (the smear will appear opaque when dry). Many labs routinely prepare their smears and then place the smears on a tray in the incubator (37ºC) for 60 min to dry. The fecal smears can be left longer in the incubator with no damage at all to the slides. Do not use a heating block; the higher temperature for most heating blocks will be detrimental to any organisms (protozoa, coccidia, microsporidia) present.
Q5. What should Giardia lamblia and other protozoa look like when stained from normal patient clinical specimens (no lag time between specimen passage and fixation)?
A. Organism morphology should appear no different from organisms preserved in Z- PVA , with good overall morphology for trophozoites, cysts (routine trichrome or iron-hematoxylin), coccidian oocysts (modified acid-fast stains), and microsporidial spores (modified Trichrome).
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